Weight Loss
- Success Story -

Jayne S.
110 pound (and still going!) weight loss

Heart disease and stroke are the two largest health hazards in the United States. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, lack of physical activity and even conditions such as sleep apnea are all related to the onset of heart disease and stroke as well as many others and can be caused by being overweight. Our team of exercise physiologists and fitness specialists has a great knowledge base of the best and safest ways to shed off excessive weight. Fad diets and depriving the body of essential nutrients such as carbohydrate can be a temporary fix for weight issues but in order to successfully take weight off and keep if off, exercise and just as importantly, healthy eating habits must be practiced. Instead of simply walking or sticking strictly to cardiovascular exercise which can become monotonous and boring, a prescribed exercise program from one of our fitness professionals will be both and effective and fun way to lose unwanted weight. Cardiovascular and strength training in combination with the nutritional coaching available will put you or a loved one on the fast track to healthy and successful weight loss and a life of wellness.