Cardiovascular Disease

If you are overweight, have a family history of heart disease, a man over the age of 45, a woman over the age of 55, diabetic, past or present smoker, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or physically inactive you are at high risk of developing heart disease. Increasing your physical activity level at any age through regular exercise can prevent one from experiencing these conditions. Combining a regular exercise routine with a healthy diet has been proven to improve body composition, lower bad (LDL) cholesterol, increase good (HDL) cholesterol, lower blood pressure, improve the body’s ability to regulate blood glucose, reduce stress, improve bone health, muscle health and the overall efficiency of the heart. With all the proven benefits of engaging in 30 to 45 minutes of daily physical activity it is a wonder why some people still do not choose to participate. The equipment available at Mike Leonard’s Physical Fitness can accommodate all individuals regardless of age or physical condition.